Outdoor Leadership Skills Training and Education
Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) & Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Education (BALOO)
Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to introduce Scout leaders to outdoor leadership skills? If so, Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS) & Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Education (BALOO)IOLS/BALOO is the perfect training for you! This training covers everything you need to know to plan and run an overnight campout, including ideas for outdoor activities, games, and ceremonies, information on selecting and using camping equipment, how to run a campfire program, and hands-on cooking demonstrations! In short, IOLS/BALOO is the perfect way to make your unit overnighter a fun, successful event!
This training is required for a Cub Pack or Scouts BSA Troop to go overnight camping on their own.

Who should attend?
- Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, and their assistants
- Den Leaders, Committee Members
- Any interested adult leader
Which class is right for you?
IOLS – for Scouts BSA leaders
Baloo – for Cub Scout Leaders