Camp Plagens Conservation Area
Local units are welcome!
The Plagens Conservation Area, located south of Pittsburg, KS, is a Council-owned property for use during Unit, District, and Council events. Local units are welcome to use the property for weekend campouts, regular meetings, or other such Scout events as they wish to use the property.
Advance reservation is required to ensure that the Plagens Properties Committee can review the reservation and check for overlapping events. Non-Scout use of the property must be requested through the Springfield Council Offices and subject to providing appropriate fees and proof of insurance.
Procedures for planning and booking events at Plagens:
Overnight Camping usage fees:
- $20 per night for less than 40 people
- $35 per night for more than 40 people
Units wishing to complete service work at Plagens will have camping fees waived. Projects must be pre-approved Plagens Properties Committee.
For units Holding Meetings at Plagens:
Our Council Camping Chairman has waived the daily usage fee for units wishing to hold regular unit meetings on the property.
Reservation Guidelines and Notes
You must still reserve the property with the Springfield Council Office ahead of your meeting.
You may not just show up at Plagens without advance notification.
Meetings will not have water and restroom facilities available.
The Ozark Trails Council does not employ a full-time ranger or caretaker of the Plagens Conservation Area. Rather, the maintenance job is handled by a group of dedicated volunteers in the area that are vested in seeing the property maintained for our Scouts with the help of regular mowing of the pavilion area. The property is also occasionally leased to a local farmer for his cattle. Since the Langdon Lane tornado in 2019, the property has experienced significant damage to much of the fencing, and the property doesn’t currently have cattle on it, but the plan is to return once fences have been repaired. Mowing may not happen if short notice is given. Please keep that in mind as you plan activities at Plagens. “A Scout is COURTEOUS.”